
Activities of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Outcome Based Education (OBE)

February 18, 2018: A workshop on “Outcome Based Education (OBE)”  for SAC members of all  Departments was held on 18 February, 2018 at IIUC Conference room. Prof. Dr. Engr. Mohibul Hoque Bhuyan Chairman EEE  Department, South East University, Dhaka, was the Key-note Speaker of the work..    Details

IQAC Meeting Held on 23 and 29 January, 2018

January 23, 2018: A meeting was held on January 23, 2018 at IIUC Conference room, the meeting was presided over by Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC Director. Chairman of the Departments, Coordinator & members of the SA Committees were present in the discussion meeting. Dire..    Details

Outcome Based Education System (OBE), Objectives & Outcome of IQAC from January 05-09, 2018

January 05-09, 2018: Hon’ble Pro –Vice Chancellor   and IQAC-Director has been addressed the under graduate students (Autumn-17) regarding Outcome Based Education System (OBE), Objectives & Outcome of IQAC from January 05-09, 2018 at IIUC Auditorium. Faculty members & students f..    Details

A meeting on the progress of SAC activities

A meeting on the progress of SAC activities was held on January 01, 2018 at IIUC Conference room. Chairman of the Departments and Coordinator & Members of the SA Committees were present. The meeting was presided over by Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor & Director IQAC. He highlighted on the issues such as Aca..    Details

A View exchange program regarding objective & outcome of the IQAC

A View exchange program regarding objective & outcome of the IQAC was held on December 18, 2017 at IIUC Conference Room. Prof. K.M. Golam Muhiuddin, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor and Mr. A.N.M. Shamsul Islam, Chairman Board of Trustees were present in the view exchange program. Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor & Director IQAC briefed..    Details

A View exchange program regarding Academic Guidance & Counselling

A View exchange program regarding Academic Guidance & Counselling with the Advisor of the Departments was held on December 17, 2017 at IIUC Auditorium. Advisors of the different departments Committees were present in the exchange program.  Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC Director was the chief discussant. Director IQAC h..    Details

IQAC Visit

In the Semester Autumn 2017, IQAC team visited all the Departments of IIUC during November 28 to December 07, 2017. Director IQAC highlighted & explained the objectives of the visit to develop culture of continuous quality improvement at IIUC through proper monitoring of classes, advising students by section advisers, course completion report, strict invigilation, careful marking ..    Details

To conduct a successful survey IQAC

A meeting was held on December 05, 2017 at IIUC Conference room, the meeting was presiding over by Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC Director. Chairman of the Departments and Coordinator of the SA Committees were present in the discussion meeting. Director IQAC highlighted the significance of the Survey Questio..    Details

A seminar on on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Accreditation

 A seminar on on “Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Accreditation” was held on November 06, 2017 at IIUC Auditorium, where teachers of the Faculty of Science & Engineering, and Faculty of Business Studies were present. Prof. Dr. Md. Delawe..    Details

A seminar on on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Accreditation

A seminar on on “Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Accreditation” was held on November 06, 2017 at IIUC seminar Hall, where most of the teachers of the Department of Qur’anic Science& Islamic Studies, Sciences of Hadith & Islamic ..    Details

A Training Program was organized by the IQAC & SDSWD

A Training Program was organized by the IQAC & SDSWD on November 02, 2017 at IIUC Seminar Hall. Mr.  Tanvir Mohammad Haider Arif ,  Associate Professor, Dept. of Finance, Chittagong University, Bangladesh was the key-note speaker. All the Divisional ..    Details

Meeting with IQAC Official committee

Meeting with IQAC Official committee: Following   are the office bearers of IQAC,IIUC: Prof. Dr. M.  Delawer Hossa..    Details

A discussion meeting between hon’ble Pro-VC & IQAC Director, with the Officers of CoE office

A discussion meeting was held between hon’ble Pro-VC &IQAC Director, with the Officers of CoE  office in presence of Controller of Examination on October 31, 2017 in the Pro-VC room at IIUC. At the beginning of discussion  hon’ble..    Details

A seminar on Pedagogy of Tertiary Level and Outcome based Education

A seminar on “Pedagogy of Tertiary Level and Outcome based Education” was held on October 30, 2017 in the Seminar Hall of IIUC, where all the newly appointed teachers (both regular and adjunct, since January 2016) of all the Departments attended. Prof. Dr...    Details

A meeting on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Accreditation

A meeting on “Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Accreditation” was held on October28, 2017 at IIUC Conference room, where all the teachers of the Department of Law were present. Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, ..    Details

A meeting on the progress of SAC activities

A meeting on the progress of SAC activities was held on October23, 2017 at IIUC Conference room, where the Chairman of the Departments and Coordinator of the SA Committees were present. The meeting was presiding over by Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Humble Pro Vice-Chancello..    Details

Workshop on Preparation for Outcomes-Based Accreditation

Hon’ble Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Director IQAC attended the day long workshop on” Preparation for Outcomes-Based Accreditation” held at BAETE, Dhaka on 17.10.17. The keynote speaker of the workshop was Professor Dr. Kai Sang Lock, fo..    Details

A seminar on AQW & Survey Questionnaire

A seminar on ‘AQW & Survey Questionnaire’ was held on October 16, 2017 at the IIUC Seminar Hall, where the Deans of the Faculties,  Chairman  of the Departments, Chairman of the  Examination Committees and  membe..    Details

A seminar on IQAC and Quality of Higher Education

A seminar on IQAC and Quality of Higher Education was held on Sept.16, 2017 at the Seminar Hall of IIUC. All Deans, Members of SA Committees and members of Examination Committees were present in the Seminar. Professor K.M. Golam Muhiuddin, hon’ble Vice..    Details

A seminar on Continuous Quality Improvement & Accreditation

A seminar on ‘Continuous Quality Improvement & Accreditation” was held on August 26, 2017 at IIUC Central Auditorium and it was attended by the Deans of the Faculties, the Heads of the Departments, the Coordinators of SACs and the faculty members f..    Details

Workshop on Legal Research Methodology

IQAC and the Department of Law jointly organized a two-day long workshop on “Legal Research Methodology” on August 18 and 19, 2017.Prof. Dr. Delawer Hossain, hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor (in-charge), IIUC, was the chie..    Details

A seminar on Undergraduate Education & Self-Assessment

A seminar on “Undergraduate Education & Self-Assessment” was held on August 17, 2017 in the Seminar Hall of IIUC, where all the Club Members (Male & Female students) of all the Departments attended. ..    Details

A discussion meeting regarding information on IQAC and Self Assessment

August 13, 2017:A discussion meeting regarding information on “Institutional/Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Self Assessment” was held on August 13, 2017 at the IIUC Seminar Hall, where all the Head of ..    Details

A workshop for faculty members on How to Access and Download e-Resources

A workshop for faculty members on “How to Access and Download e-Resources ”was held on 31 July 2017 in the Seminar Hall of International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC). The workshop was organized in two sessions by Institutional Quality Assurance Cel..    Details

A Seminar on Academic Development was organized the IQAC

A Seminar on Academic Development was organized the IQAC on July 20, 2017, at IIUC Central Auditorium. Professor Dr. Faisal Hossain, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, USA, was..    Details

A workshop on Importance of English Communication and Public Speaking

A workshop on “Importance of English Communication and Public Speaking” was organized by the IQAC at IIUC Central Auditorium. Professor Dr. Faisal Hossain, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washin..    Details

A meeting on Documentations related to Self Assessment Report (SAR)

A meeting on “Documentations related to Self Assessment Report (SAR)”was held on July 15, 2017 at IIUC Seminar Hall, where the Deans of the Faculties, the Heads of the Departments and the SAC Coordinators and members attended. Dr. Md. Delawe..    Details

A special session on Functions of Examination Committee

A special session on “Functions of Examination Committee” organized on July 09, 2017. Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC Director, IIUC, conducted the session and it was attended by the members of the depart..    Details

A Workshop on Outcome-based Curriculum

A Workshop on “Outcome-based Curriculum” was conducted by Professor AJM Nuruddin Chowdhury, former Vice-Chancellor, Chittagong University & Director of IQAC, Southern University Bangladesh. The workshop was attended by the Deans, the Heads of Depar..    Details

A workshop on Self-Assessment Manual

A workshop on “Self-Assessment Manual“ was organized for the Coordinators and Members of Departmental Self Assessment Committees (DSACs) at IIUC. Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC- Director of IIUC, was the chief guest of th..    Details

A Workshop on Effective Team Building

A Workshop on “Effective Team Building” was conducted by Professor AJM Nuruddin Chowdhury, former Vice-Chancellor, Chittagong University & Director of IQAC, Southern University Bangladesh. The workshop was attended by t..    Details

Three coordination meetings on IQAC and Self Assessment

Three coordination  meetings  on ”IQAC  and Self Assessment” with the teachers of  the (i) Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Faculty of Law and CENURC, (ii) Faculty of Business Studies and Faculty of Social Science a..    Details

A coordination meeting for the Deans of the Faculties, the Heads

A coordination meeting for the Deans of the Faculties, the Heads of the Departments and the Coordinators of Departmental SA Committees was held at the IIUC Conf..    Details

IQAC A formal meeting was held at the IIUC

A formal meeting was held at the IIUC Conference room with the Coordinators of Departmental SA Committees. The meeting was presided over by Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC-Director. He gave a briefing on the issue of S..    Details

A briefing session on IQAC Activities

A briefing session on IQAC Activities for faculty members of IIUC was held at the IIUC Auditorium. Prof. Dr. Md. Delawer Hossain, Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC Director, delivered a power point presentation on the Academic Quality Work (AQW) and Quality Education. He highlighted functi..    Details

Coordinators of departmental SA committees

A view exchange meeting was held at the IIUC conference room with all the Coordinators of departmental SA committees. In this meeting Deans of the Faculties and Heads of the Departments were also present. The hon’ble Pro Vice-Chancellor & IQAC-Director deliv..    Details

Announcement of office bearers of IQAC at IIUC

An office order [Ref: IIUC/REG:15736.IQAC.(045) 2017] dated 09/03/2017 was issued regarding the  announcement of office bearers of IQAC at IIUC as follows: Prof. Dr. Md. Dela..    Details

Formation of the Departmental Self Assessment Committees

Formation of the Departmental Self Assessment Committees. A circular was issued from the Registrar’s office [IIUC/REG: 15706.IQAC (055)2017, date: March 03, 2017]) regarding formation of Departmental   Self-Assessment Committees (SACs..    Details

Formation of IQAC at IIUC

Formation of IQAC at IIUC. In response to the UGC’s letter( Ref: UGC/‡e:we:/691(1)/gwbUwis 2015/7468, dated: 24/09/16)IIUC formed an IQAC Committee headed by Prof. Dr. M. Delawer Hossain, Pro Vice-Chancellor(In-Charge) as the&..    Details

Letter Forward to UGC

A letter was forwarded to Prof. Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Head, QAU, UGC, Bangladesh  ( Ref: IIUC/REG:11950.HEQEP(06)2014 dated Sept.20,20140) regarding  permission to  submit the  proposal for HEQEP-IQAC program for  quality Education as per  ref :IIUC/..    Details

IQAC Observations with Recommendations

In the Semester Spring- 2014, IQAC team frequently visited all the Departments at IIUC Permanent Campus, Kumira. After scrutinizing documents and the information obtained during visits to the departments, IQAC prepared a report titled “Observations with Recommendations” ..    Details

Formation of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

IIUC, Kumira, (Ref:  IIUC/ Reg: 11454. P.M. (25) 2014 (Revised) IQAC Committee Prof. Dr. M.  Delawer Hossain, Dean FSE ,Convener Engr. Md. Razu Ahmed, Asso. Prof. ETE,    Member Mr..    Details