Message from Chairman of ETE
Welcome to the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) at International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC). Whether you are a prospective or current student, a prospective faculty member, a parent, an alumnus, a government or industry representative, or just a curious onlooker, I encourage you to browse and find detailed information about our graduate and undergraduate programs, our faculty members, their research interests, and the broad range of activities underway in the Department. The ETE Department is committed to provide an outstanding educational experience for its students and prepare them for the highest personal and professional growth. We believe in student-centered and practice-oriented education to train the future workforce and meet the challenges of existing and emerging technologies of the 21st century. Thus we focus on hiring outstanding faculty members from home and abroad, incorporate an outcome-based education system, and build state-of-the-art teaching facilities and research laboratories. At present, the department is actively seeking accreditation from the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Bangladesh. Our students are broadly encouraged to gain out-of-the-classroom academic and research experiences, produce engineering and scientific publications, and participate in various co-curricular activities. In order to foster these activities, the department maintains program-oriented and student-centric engineering forums such as ACM and IEEE Student Branches. The department is very proud of its outstanding faculty members, all of whom have MS and/or Ph.D. degrees primarily from Australia, UK, Sweden, South Korea, and Japan. We believe our department is the top destination for faculty members who are willing to return to Bangladesh from abroad. Thank you for your interest in the Department of ETE at IIUC.
Engr. Syed Zahidur Rashid
Assistant Professor & Chairman
Dept. of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering